Revised Gambling Codes of Practice

28 Mar


The Gambling Commission has recently issued a  consolidated codes of practice, the Commission issue codes of practice under section 24 of the Gambling Act 2005, about the manner in which facilities for gambling are provided to ensure that:

  • gambling is conducted in a fair and open way
  • children and other vulnerable people are protected from being harmed or exploited by gambling
  • assistance is made available to people who are, or may be, affected by problems related to gambling.

Codes of practice are either:

  • Social responsibility code provisions - which must be adhered to by all licence holders
  • Ordinary code provisions - these do not have the status of licence conditions but failure to take account of them can be used as evidence in criminal or civil proceedings.

Since their inception there has been several sepertate codes dealing with machines and equal chance gaming.  The information in these supplements has now been incorporated into this consolidated document which will provide a comprehensive resovoiur of information for Local Auhtorities and Operators alike.

Codes apply to both operators licensed by the Commission and others who offer gambling, such as pubs and clubs. The consolidated document therefore includes codes for equal chance gaming in clubs and premises with an alcohol licence and  gaming machines in clubs and premises with an alcohol licence which had previously been published separately. 

The Gambling Commission state on their website:

"a revised copy will be sent to licence holders. This will be sent out before the revised conditions and codes of practice come into effect. This gives licence holders time to learn about how any changes will affect their business. We only make changes to the LCCP where necessary and based on our experience of implementing the conditions and codes. Changes are only made following consultation."

Should you have any concerns regarding the meaning or implementation of these codes please call to speak with a member of our Gambling Team, headed by Tim Shield, who would be happy to offer advice. 



Law correct at the date of publication.
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